Do You Know Who You Are?

How many times have you wanted to do something new but talked yourself out of it before you even began? Your mindset will determine if you start that new business, begin a new health regimen, or change/ start a new career.  Oftentimes, negative thoughts prevent us from doing  some amazing things.  I challenge you to stop “stinking thinking” and start speaking positive words to yourself.  Here are five things I want you to say out loud to yourself when that negative mindset appears:  

  • I am a child of God.  His word says he will not withhold any good thing from me.

  • You can do it (your name)! Make a list of at least three things you want to accomplish and get to work.

  • I’m moving on UP!  Surround yourself with positive people that are doing things you aspire to do.  Change your circle and watch your circumstances change.

  • I have everything I need to be successful. Tap into your gifts and operate in them.

  • Progress beats perfection! It may not be as polished as you would like it, but at least you started.  Celebrate the small wins.